We need you!
On NOVEMBER 5 registered voters will show up at 20 precincts around Mecosta County to VOTE. The Trump team has a strategy to "not certify" the election and is asking his followers to disrupt the system, especially in rural counties in swing states. (see info under KNOW MORE). Michigan is a key swing state. Most folks who work at the polls want an honest and fair election process.
In the Primary election in August MCDP had many CHALLENGERS at the polls. This was very positive to make sure that all rules were being followed.
MCDP's goal this year is to have CHALLENGERS at EVERY Precinct in our county. We ask you to volunteer to cover a shift at a precinct in Mecosta County. We ask that you read the CHALLENGER HANDBOOK. (Challenger Handbook) - insert the word Challenger Handbook to this link
We will have 2 workshops on "WHAT YOU NEED TO KNOW - Challengers" on
at the MCDP Headquarters at 111 S. Michigan, Big Rapids on
Tuesday, Oct 22 at 7 pm
Thursday, Oct 24 at 3 pm
PLease do you civic duty and volunteer to be a CHALLENGER. Send email to Karen Turnbull at mecostademocrats@gmail.com